Winter Rye For Deer: A Proven Performer for Attracting Whitetails

In conversations with other deer hunters and land managers, one question or scenario that I’m routinely asked is this: If you only had one food plot available on a property, what would you plant?

This question is an easy one for me, and I don’t even have to give it much thought. My answer is a winter rye food plot. Winter rye is a cereal grain that is also commonly called cereal rye or winter cereal rye.

Throughout this post, I’ll use the terms winter rye and cereal rye interchangeably.

In this article, I’ll explore the benefits of winter rye for both soil and deer and why I consider it one of the best food plot options on the market.

Winter Rye Food Plot

Important Takeaways

– Cereal rye is a great soil builder, increasing organic matter and nutrient release.
– It acts as a sponge, storing moisture in the soil and reducing erosion.
– Cereal rye provides stable 15% protein for deer, making it beneficial during harsh winters and for their feeding needs in late winter and early spring.
– It is a popular choice for food plots, and it is easily grown and mixed with other crops for maximum soil building, weed control, and food production.

Why Winter Rye is My Top Food Plot Crop Option

As a food plot crop, winter rye has several characteristics that make it ideal for cold weather food plots:

Drought Resistant Seed

Cereal rye requires much less water than many other popular food plot crops, so it grows well in areas with little rainfall. Now, to be fair, the seed does require some water to germinate, but the roots do an outstanding job of retaining water for extended periods of time.

Can Grow in Poor Soil Conditions

Winter rye is one of the few crops that consistently grows well in poor soil conditions. Some examples of poor soil conditions include:

  • Low Ph
  • High Ph
  • Sandy soil that doesn’t retain water

Provides a Deer Food Source Upon Germination

Unlike some food crops that are not a viable food source until the crop matures, winter rye for deer is a viable food source as soon as it germinates. As a matter of fact, most of the winter rye plots I manage start experiencing grazing pressure when the plant shoots break the surface of the soil.

Grows Well With Other Plot Crops

While some food plot seeds seem to grow best by themselves, cereal rye grows exceptionally well when plant

While some food plot seeds seem to grow best by themselves, cereal rye grows exceptionally well when planted in conjunction with other popular food plot crops. I’ve planted cereal rye with the following crop seeds:

  • Winter oats
  • Clover
  • Winter peas
  • Winter wheat
  • As a cover crop for corn
  • Brassicas
Mature Buck Feeding on Winter Rye

Cereal Grain Rye Benefits for Soil

Winter cereal rye is an excellent choice for improving the soil because it increases organic matter, improves nutrient release, and acts as a sponge to store moisture.

When winter rye is grown in the soil, it contributes to the buildup of organic matter. This increased organic matter helps to improve soil structure and fertility, creating a more favorable environment for plant growth.

Additionally, cereal rye has the ability to release nutrients from its deep tap root, making them more available to other plants in the soil. This improved nutrient release can enhance the overall nutrient content of the soil, promoting healthier plant growth.

Furthermore, cereal rye acts as a sponge, absorbing and storing moisture in the soil. This sponge-like helps to prevent water runoff and erosion while also providing a steady water supply for plants.

Cereal Rye Benefits for Deer

Winter rye offers a solid 15% protein content, which serves as a vital source of nutrition for deer during the winter months when highly digestible protein is crucial. Not only does cereal rye offer a reliable food source, but its cold-friendly nature allows it to continue growing during intermittent winter thaws, providing a quick and accessible food option for deer.

This plant’s importance is further underscored by the fact that winter thaws and spring green-up can be challenging for deer, making cereal rye a lifeline during these critical times. Its ability to attract deer and provide essential nutrition makes cereal rye a top choice for hunters looking to support the survival and health of their deer population.

Winter Rye Planting and Management

When planting and managing cereal rye, I try to maximize its growth and benefits for deer. To achieve this, I try to use the following planting techniques and strategies:

Seed Rate and Timing

I prefer a heavy seed rate to ensure maximum soil building and weed control. My preferred seeding approach is to top seed, but I try to time the seeding just before a rain shower, as this facilitates germination and root establishment.

I also prefer to use Round-up resistant cereal seed as I typically use Round-up as weed treatment.

Top Seeding into Other Crops

To enhance food production and provide a diverse food source for deer, I prefer to top seed the winter rye into existing crops like corn, soybeans, and brassicas. This is done when the corn and beans start to turn colors or when the brassicas become mature.

In addition to offering some food diversity, I find that this approach also significantly increases the volume of available food from an existing crop.

No-Till Winter Rye Growing in Corn Stubble
No-Till Winter Rye Growing in Corn Stubble

Crop Management Practices

Once the cereal rye is established, I usually let it grow all summer. Then, in the fall, I’ll spray for weeds, then top seed it again with another round of cereal rye mix. This follow-up seeding approach not only fills in gaps as the initial planting is consumed by deer but also reduces the need for additional seed.

This approach may not work for everyone, but this planting technique has yielded excellent results for me and significantly increased the volume of food in my plots.